MAC 2020 Annual General Meeting Updates
MAC’s Annual General Meeting was held on 19 November 2020 from 10:00AM – 12:00PM EST on Zoom. The AGM featured a keynote presentation followed by the general AGM business including: the review of the 2019 AGM minutes, the presentation of the President’s Annual Report and the Financial Report 2020, the announcement of the outgoing and incoming Board Members, and updates for 2021.
Dr. Shani Roper was the opening keynote speaker and addressed the theme of ‘Contemporary Collecting in Caribbean Museums: New Trends and Ethical Concerns’. Contemporary collecting is defined as a collections approach that allows museums and similar institutions to acquire objects, audio and/or audio visual material to document an event, cultural practice and/or tradition that either shapes or has had a significant impact on their stakeholders. The presentation explored what it means to engage in contemporary collecting as a collections policy approach in the Caribbean and its implications during a pandemic, as well as asks the question: What are the ethical concerns for museums in the region engaging in this practice?
Dr. Shani Roper is Curator of the University of the West Indies Museum and former Research Officer and Acting Director of Liberty Hall: the Legacy of Marcus Garvey. Her research interests explore histories of Caribbean childhood, museum’s education, sustainable heritage development and pedagogical approaches to the study of history. She has published articles on Afro-Jamaican childhood and social policy in Jamaica in the Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, Journal of Caribbean History and Caribbean Studies.
We are pleased to announce that the following MAC Board nominations for the available (two institutional and one individual) positions:
Institutional position (two seats available)
- University of the West Indies Museum represented by Dr. Shani Roper (Jamaica)
- National Museum Bermuda represented by Elena Strong (Bermuda)
Individual position (one seat available)
- Alex Martinez Suarez (Dominican Republic)
- Lisa Howie (Bermuda)
- Natasha Douge (United States)
- Nimah Muwakil-Zakuri (Trinidad)
- Daniela Fifi (Bahamas)
Full biographies for all candidates are available here.