‘COVID’ Talk Series
The Museum’s Association of the Caribbean (MAC) and the special MAC COVID Collecting Committee, hosted an online exhibition, entitled Collecting Our Voices in the Caribbean Diaspora (COVID).
The exhibition features work by artists from the English, French, Spanish and Dutch-speaking Caribbean, with representation from ten countries: The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico and Suriname.
COVID: Collecting Our Voices In Dialogue (Part 1)
During the COVID-19 crisis, the Museum’s Association of the Caribbean (MAC) and the special MAC COVID Collecting Committee, created an online art exhibition entitled Collecting Our Voices in the Caribbean Diaspora (COVID) to bring together creative voices from across the region to illuminate how people in the Caribbean and its Diaspora were living and moving through the crisis. The exhibition features artists from ten countries: The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico and Suriname. The exhibition will stay online for eight months—through November 26th, 2021—and is accompanied by a lively talks series. Below you will find a series of Curator and Artist’s Talks illuminating how the exhibition came together and the process behind the works.
The Curators of MAC’s first-ever online art exhibition discuss the conception, vision, and planning of the show, as well as the difficulties of organising an exhibition during the COVID-19 pandemic and its and expected outcomes.

COVID: Collecting Our Voices In Dialogue (Part 2)
This second talk for MAC’s “Collecting our Voices in the Caribbean Diaspora” Exhibition was held on Thursday, June 17th, 2021, at 6 p.m. EST 11 p.m. GMT in the French Language.
Moderated by MAC Board Member Katarina Jacobson, the discussion featured artists from Martinique and Guadeloupe speaking about their artworks in the show. These include Elie Babel, Céline Bernabé, May Clemente, David Gumbs, Bruno Métura, Ruddy Marc Roquelaure. The recording for this talk is in French only.
La deuxième conférence pour « Collecter nos voix dans la diaspora des Caraïbes » a eu lieu le jeudi 17 juin 2021 à 18 h(HNE 23 h GMT en langue française.
Animée par Katarina Jacobson, membre du conseil d’administration du MAC, la discussion mettra en vedette des artistes de la Martinique et de la Guadeloupe qui parleront de leurs œuvres dans l’exposition. Parmi eux, Elie Babel, Céline Bernabé, May Clemente, David Gumbs, Bruno Métura, et Ruddy Marc Roquelaure.

COVID: Collecting Our Voices In Dialogue (Part 3)
The third iteration of the MAC “Collecting our Voices in the Caribbean Diaspora” Artist Talk series was held on Thursday, July 22nd, 2021, at 6 p.m. EST 11 p.m. GM. Moderated by MAC Vice President, Nyasha Warren, the discussion featured artists from Guyana/USA, Haiti/USA, the Cayman Islands and Suriname speaking about their artworks in the show. They included Errol Ross Brewster, Francks Deceus, Sunil Puljhun, Simon Tatum and Rene Tosari. The talk was held in English.

COVID: Collecting Our Voices In Dialogue (Part 4)
MAC hosted the fourth Artist Talk for “Collecting our Voices in the Caribbean Diaspora” on Thursday, August 26th, 2021, at 6 p.m. EST 11 p.m. GM. Moderated by MAC Board Member Katrina Cartwright, the discussion featured artists from The Bahamas and Suriname speaking about their artworks and poetry in the show. Featured artists were Dede Brown, Shaundell Horton, Eugene Elire, Keneth Flidjers and Rinaldo Klaas. The recording for this panel is in English.

COVID: Collecting Our Voices In Dialogue (Part 5)
The final episode in the MAC “Collecting our Voices in the Caribbean Diaspora” Artist Talk series was held on 23rd September 2021, at 6 p.m. EST 11 p.m. GM. MAC Immediate Past President Natalie Urquhart joined artists from Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Jamaica and Suriname to discuss the impact of the exhibition and their practice. Featured artists included: Jemimah Johnson (Jamaica/UK), Miguel Keerveld (Suriname), CK Ledesma (Puerto Rico/US), Iria Prieto (Puerto Rico), and Dhiradj Ramsamoedj (Suriname). The recording for this panel is in English. The exhibition continues until November 26th, 2021.