MAC’s 2022 Annual General Meeting will be held virtually on November 17th from 10:00 am – 12:30 PM EST. Register for the AGM to join us on Zoom.
Our AGM is an open public meeting for members as well as anyone with an interest in the organization. We welcome all ideas to improve on services that MAC provides. This year will be an election year but only members can vote, so we encourage you to renew or sign up for membership now in order to participate in the change you want to see. The Call for Nominations for MAC Board of Directors is now closed.
Our agenda includes:
- Multivocality in Practice: Reflections on the MAC ICOM-Barbados Museum Definition Project: A panel discussion on how Caribbean perspectives informed the new ICOM definition of museums.
- Review of the 2021 AGM minutes
- President’s Report 2021 – 2022
- Financial Report 2021-2022
- Review of Nominated Candidates for 2022-2025 Board
- MACBahamas 2023 Conference Update
REMINDER: MAC Membership renews every August. Membership must be current in order to vote.
MAC Board Nominations
The 2022-2025 Board Nomination process is complete. Scroll down to learn more about our individual and institutional candidates.
3 institutional positions and 4 individual positions are open.
To vote, you must have paid for a new or renewed your membership for 2022-2023 before November 15, 2023. Each Individual Member is entitled to one vote and each institutional Member is entitled to two votes.
Voting will take place through an online voting platform between Nov 17 and 12:00AM EDT on Nov 30. Members will be emailed the link on Nov 17, following the MAC AGM.
Retiring board members this year include current President and Individual board member Dr. Joanne Hyppolite, Immediate Past President Natalie Urquhart, representing the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands and Laurent Ursulet, representing the Collectivite Territoriale de Martinique. Several current board members are running for re-election and can be identified as such in their listing at the links below.