Individual Member Category
Tasha Dougé

Tasha Dougé is a Bronx-based, Haitian-infused artist, artivist & cultural vigilante. Her body of work activates conversations around women, advocacy, sex, education, societal “norms,” identity and Black pride. Through conceptual art, teaching, and performance, Dougé devotedly strives to evoke empowerment for women and illuminate the contributions of Black people, declaring that her “voice is the first tool within my art arsenal.” She has been featured in The New York Times, Essence and Sugarcane Magazine. She has shown nationally at RISD Museum, The Apollo Theater & Rush Arts Gallery. Internationally, Dougé has shown at the Hygiene Museum in Germany. She is an alum of the Laundromat Project’s Create Change Fellowship, The Studio Museum of Harlem’s Museum Education Program, Haiti Cultural Exchange’s Lakou Nou residency, the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute’s Innovative Cultural Advocacy Program and their inaugural Digital Evolution Artist Retention program.
Statement of Interest
I learned of MAC from an open call for proposals for their 2019 conference in Martinique. I applied and was excited to learn my proposal was accepted. My relationship with MAC has only blossomed from there. Soon thereafter, I joined the MAC Planning Committee; I served as one of the curators for MAC’s Collecting Our Voices In the Caribbean Diaspora (C.O.V.I.D.) online exhibition and did another presentation during the 2021 virtual conference. Three years in, my connection to the Caribbean has deepened and I’ve established cherished relationships with people all thanks to MAC. In addition to the former, I am proud to say that my voice has contributed to policy change and reconsiderations, especially with regard to artists. If selected to the MAC board, I commit to bringing my full self to the role.
Matthieu Ecrabet

I hold a Master 2 Research and a Master 2 Professional in Archaeology from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, I have worked for more than 10 years as a territorial archaeologist but also as a cultural mediator for the archaeology unit of the city of Saint-Denis. As a specialist of the Amerindian period, I currently work for the community of CAPNORD in Martinique as Scientific Advisor of the Center of Animation and Interpretation of the Amerindian Culture. The community of CAPNORD Martinique has a project to create a Caribbean park of Amerindian life on the archaeological site of Vivé, which is the reference site of the Ancient Saladoid period in the Caribbean.
Since 2019, I have held the position of Scientific Advisor at CAPNORD and I try to make culture accessible to all through my actions outside the walls and through my archaeological excavations. Since September 2021, I have undertaken a thesis on Caribbean archaeology. My subject is the pre-Columbian art of the Lesser Antilles: Structural analysis of the decorations of the sites of Gradis, Dizac and Fond Laillet of Martinique in the Cedrosan Saladoïd.
Statement of Interest
I am very pleased to be nominated to be part of the MAC Board of Directors. I wish to become a member of the board of directors, in order to work even more actively to promote the heritage and culture of the Caribbean. As an archaeologist and heritage actor, becoming a member of the Board of Directors will give me new tools to work for the preservation, management and conservation of our cultural and natural heritage. Becoming a member of the board of directors is more than an opportunity, it is a duty in my fight for the influence of Caribbean heritage. I knew the MAC when I returned to Martinique in 2019 through Ms. Katarina Jacobson and Ms. Joanne Hyppolite. Since then I became an active member and I attended the various events proposed by the MAC. This association is a real engine for all museums and cultural facilities in the Caribbean.
Daniela Fifi

Dr. Daniela Fifi, Ed.D has worked as an arts administrator, arts educator, and curator in galleries and museums in the United States and the Caribbean. She is a doctoral graduate in Art and Art Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute, New York and a Master of Arts in Art Gallery and Museum Studies from the University of Manchester, UK. Daniela has been awarded several fellowships and awards during her career including the New York State Assembly – Caribbean Life Impact Award, The Museum Education Research Fellowship at the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Samuel H. Kress Interpretive Fellowship at The Miriam and Ira D Wallach Art Gallery at Columbia University.
She has taught art education, world art history, and human development in the arts at The City College of New York and New Jersey City University. She serves on the editorial board of ViewFinder: Reflecting on Museum Education E-Journal, Art Education the official journal of the National Art Education Association. In her spare time Daniela enjoys listening to music and being in nature.
Statement of Interest
I am an arts and cultural professional invested in the educational role that heritage and the arts play in the development of responsible and culturally aware global citizens. Being a Caribbean national, I am particularly interested in this cause in the Caribbean region. That is, the role that arts and culture play in advancing education and socially/culturally responsible Caribbean nationals. Many of these notions fall on the civic responsibilities of our cultural institutions such as museums. To this end, I have been a past committee member on the Education and Training Committee of MAC as well as a past Secretariat – roles I took very seriously. If nominated I hope to work with other board members in developing museum education programming initiatives.
Alexandra Gooding

Alexandra Gooding (born and raised in Barbados; lives and works in Toronto) holds a BFA (Hons) in Photography Studies and an MA in Film and Photography Preservation and Collections management, both from Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). She has received numerous awards and grants, and has held curatorial, collections, research, and administrative positions at The Image Centre, the Stephen Bulger Gallery, the Art Gallery of Ontario, and The Kalaman Group (all Toronto), and at CIRMA, Guatemala and Cambridge University Library, England. Her research focuses on how to make Caribbean material culture more intellectually accessible in institutional collections and she has served on several educational reform and hiring committees at TMU.
Statement of Interest
A few months after becoming a MAC member in late 2018, I volunteered to help launch MAC’s awards program, culminating in the inaugural awards ceremony at MAC’s 30th AGM and Conference held in Martinique in 2019. In late 2020, I began working with MAC’s President to create a Newsletter Committee, which formalized in early 2021. Since then, I have administered the committee and overseen the production of MAC’s newsletters. My work with MAC thus far has allowed me to engage with the cultural sector in my home region in a way that I had not realized was possible before I migrated to Toronto. I wish to become a member of the Board of Directors to help MAC further expand its programs, facilitate knowledge exchanges and connections between individuals and organizations, and advocate for increased awareness and support of the Caribbean’s cultural sector. I acknowledge the significant responsibility of the Board of Directors to approve and administer MAC’s projects, programs, and funds, and I am motivated and dedicated to helping MAC meet its mission.
Lourdes Ranero

Lourdes Ranero has been a part of the museum community for 21 years as a Registrar. She received her B.A. in Anthropology with a concentration in Archaeology from the University of Puerto Rico and M.A. in Public Affairs in Arts Administration from the Turabo University in Puerto Rico. She is responsible for the documentation and care of the art museum collections and works closely with faculty and scholars interested in collections study. Previous positions as a Registrar include Museum of the Americas (2001-2006), Museum of Art of Puerto Rico (2006-2009), Museum Dr. Pío López (2009-2011), Museum of Anthropology and Art History of the UPR-RP (2011-2013), Ponce Art Museum (2012), Museum of Art of Caguas (2013 – 2014), San Juan National Historic Site (2013), Museum of Contemporary Art (2014 – 2019), Banco Popular de Puerto Rico (2015 – 2019), United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico (2016 – 2019) and Masterpiece Inc (2016 – 2019) She is the Chief Registrar at the Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum since January 2020.
Statement of Interest
I write to express my interest in the MAC Board position where I can use my skills to help the Association reach its objectives. I have been part of the MAC since 2019 after having the honor of receiving a fellowship to participate in the 2019 Conference. I admire the work that the association carries out, constantly demonstrating a genuine interest in sharing information, knowledge, resources and ideas between the different and diverse cultural institutions and museums of the Caribbean region, but also for the new collaborative ties that it creates and maintains active between the different institutions and professionals. Seeing first-hand the active role the Association had through the Conference 2019 and afterwards, has been a true testament of the mission and vision you carry. These last 3 years that I have been part of MAC, you have continued forward with the plans, despite the adversity that the pandemic brought with it. I am passionate about Art, Culture and Museums, and I have always committed to working in a field that promote civic and social justice, education, conservation and art history. I would be honored to be part of your team and I believe that I can contribute to attaining the mission and objectives of the MAC. After two decades in museums, it had become such a strong part of my identity to be part of this community. Given the opportunity, I assure you to give my best to this job and become an asset to your organization.
Cyril J Saltibus
Past President – Museums Association of the Caribbean

Mr. Cyril J Saltibus has served for over 17 years as a member of the technical team of Le Pavillon Royal Museum at Government House St. Lucia. Also known as “Major Saltibus” he is a Queen Commissioned Officer of the British Army Cadet Force (ACF). He served as the Aide-De-Camp (ADC) to the Governor-General of Saint Lucia Her Excellency Dame Louisy during the period 2004 to 2006 and was recently reappointed in April 2022 as ADC to His Excellency Mr Charles, Acting Governor General of Saint Lucia. Cyril is a Counsellor of the St. Lucia National Trust serving in the capacity as it’s Secretary and is extensively involved throughout the island with conservation Projects.
He was also the Chairperson of the Southern Chapter of the Saint Lucia National Trust deeply involved with the OECS Protected Areas and Associated Livelihoods (OPAAL) Project, with responsibility as entering Chair on the Board of the Eco-South Tours enterprise.
Cyril Joined the Museums Association of the Caribbean (MAC) after the establishment of Le Pavillion Royal Museum in 1999 and was one of its longest serving Board Members. He served as Vice President under the presidency of Larry Armony of St. Kitts/Nevis and as Treasure under the presidency of Sonja Arise of the Dominican Republic. At the 2012 Annual General Meeting held in Antigua he was elected as President of MAC for the period 2011 to 2012. He presently serves as an ordinarily member on this Caribbean body.
Statement of Interest
I have been involved in the Museums Association of the Caribbean for many years now. There were moments in the past few years when I retreated to get involved in nurturing my family and settling down. For this reason, I was unable to play an active role in MAC. I am now back at Government House and LePavillion Museum where I can better concentrate and continue my contribution to this worthwhile organization. I am answering the call of my institution and members to get involved again, sighting my past tenure on the MAC board as an exciting and rewarding one. I bring with me my experience, love, and appreciation for the preservation of our rich Caribbean heritage.
Nyasha Warren
Current Vice-President – Museums Association of the Caribbean

Nyasha Warren is an education researcher at the Museo del Canal Interoceánico de Panamá and at the Centro de Investigación Educativa de Panamá (CIEDU). She has a special interest in innovative and inclusive educational practices in a variety of learning settings, including museums, the classroom and online learning environments. She has carried out research focusing on inclusive education practices in Panama’s public schools for CIEDU, and her current research at the Museo del Canal Interoceanico de Panamá focuses on history education practices in Panamá’s public schools with a special emphasis on the history of the Panama Canal.
Nyasha has co-developed educational resources, curricula and/or educational programs for initiatives sponsored by organizations such as Voices from Our America, Vitalitas, Nashville Public Library, Museo de la Ciudad de Panamá and the Museo de la Libertad.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Oberlin College, a Masters degree in Environmental Health Sciences from New York University and a Masters degree in Education from Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Nyasha is a longtime proud member and current outgoing vice president of the Society of Friends of the West Indian Museum of Panama. She is also the current Vice-President of the MAC Board.
Statement of Interest
I am writing to express my interest in continuing to serve actively on the MAC board. My short history with MAC began in 2019, when, thanks to the exposure provided to me by the Society of Friends of the West Indian Museum of Panamá, I applied for and won a scholarship to attend the MAC Conference in Martinique. Since then, in the past three years, I have been involved in a number of initiatives including co-designing, launching, analyzing and reporting the results of the 2020 MAC COVID-19 Survey to assess how the pandemic affected the museum sector across the Caribbean at that time; this year, I co-designed, launched and will be involved in the analysis and reporting of the results of the Follow-up COVID-19 Survey which seeks to get a sense of the strategies that have helped the Caribbean museum sector move forward despite the effects of the pandemic. During the height of the pandemic, I also helped coordinate an “In Conversation” series webinar geared to the Spanish Speaking Caribbean community in August 2020 which was held in Spanish and brought together museum professionals from Panamá, Belize, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic who reflected on their challenges and goals for the future.
I have represented MAC at the Association of African American Museums (AAAM) Virtual Conference in 2020 and 2021, and at the APOYOnline Virtual Conference in 2021. I also helped coordinate and execute the back end of MAC’s first ever Virtual Conference held in November 2021. In March of this year, I coordinated and moderated the webinar “Connecting the Power of Museums”, an initiative in which MAC joined forces with the Museo del Canal Interoceánico de Panamá in an effort to shed light on the role of women in the museum industry in the region. I am very thankful for the opportunity to form part of an international, interdisciplinary team that works hard to connect museums and professionals in the Caribbean region, and I look forward to