Museums Association of the Caribbean MAC 2019 AGM, Martinique Creating a visible and accessible museum network
for Caribbean museums and museum professionals
to share knowledge and expertise.
Members of the MAC Board at the 2022 Virtual AGM MAC AGM 2019, Martinique MAC AGM 2019, Martinique MAC AGM 2019, Martinique MAC AGM 2017, Miami MAC AGM 2016, Cayman Islands MAC AGM 2014, Jamaica

Welcome to our new website! We are still in the process of making it trilingual. We thank you for your patience while it is being updated. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us.


Our mission is to create a network that aids museums and cultural organisations across the Caribbean to share and benefit from their common skills and experiences. We have been supporting museums since 1987: helping to develop standards and best practice; serving as advisors to governments and the public on museum development; exchanging information and ideas; connecting organizations internationally; and conserving and preserving our natural and cultural heritage. Every year, we host a conference and annual general meeting for our members and other delegates within the region. Our most recent conference took place 11-16 November 2019 in Martinique, and was organized together with the Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique.


The Future of Caribbean Museums: Communities, Co-creation, and Connections. What changes must we embrace today to ensure that museums remain alive and relevant for future generations?

El Futuro de los Museos Caribeños: Comunidades, Co-creación y Conexiones. ¿Qué cambios debemos adoptar hoy para garantizar que los museos perduren en el tiempo y sean relevantes para las generaciones futuras?

L’avenir des Musées de la Caraïbe: Communautés, Co-création et Connexions. Quels changements devons-nous adopter aujourd’hui pour garantir que les musées restent vivants et pertinents pour les générations futures?

Recent News Highlights

    El objetivo de la beca es desarrollar una mayor diversidad de profesionales de los museos caribeños y ayudar para que el campo de los museos caribeños sea una opción viable para más personas. Se dará consideración prioritaria a los solicitantes de grupos subrepresentados, los recién llegados al campo de los museos (independientemente de su edad) y/o los solicitantes basados ​​en sus necesidades. Sin embargo, la solicitud está abierta a todos.
  • 2024 MAC Travel Fellowships Applications – NOW OPEN!
    The goal of the fellowship is to develop a greater diversity of Caribbean museum professionals and help make the Caribbean museum field a viable option for more people. Priority consideration will be given to applicants from underrepresented groups, newcomers to the museum field (regardless of age), and/or need-based applicants. Nevertheless, the application is open to all.